Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas - What are you giving Him?

Merry Christmas! I can only imagine the breath you just released. It's Christmas and all the running around have finally led to a load of food and wrapping paper left behind after opening presents. Why do we do it? It feels good to give and be together. We want our children to have more than we did. But, what does all the stuff gain them and how long will they even enjoy all the stuff? We have to remember to teach them about character, compassion, and that it is more important to store up treasures in heaven instead of all the latest games or toys.

While we are so busy getting stuff to give, are we considering the real reason for the season? God gave the perfect gift when we didn't even want it (John 3:16).  It was a case of not knowing what we needed until we met Him.  Christmas is a time for us to reflect on that perfect gift of Jesus and how we can give back to Him. 

While we celebrate this wondrous, joyous season and the amazing gift God gave, let's not forget those less fortunate. Let us follow God's example and help those in need. Many of us have so much yet give little.  One thing I've learned is the more you give, the more He will give to you (Luke 6:38).

What better way to honor Him ťhan to intentionally give of our treasure, our time and our talent for His glory. After all, it's Jesus's birthday. He deserves it. 

Praying that you have a wonderful Christmas holiday and a fantastic New Year!  Be blessed!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Best Gifts

It’s a week before Christmas and all through the town there are families running around……buying and wrapping gifts, sending last minute cards and packages, stressing about how much is left in the budget and so many other things. At this time of year, more than any other, folks are sprinting to closest store to get those last-minute treats and gifts….in many cases grabbing things that will never be used. Why do we do that? 

As a giver, I get excited about picking just the right gift. Finding the thing that I know will bring a smile to my friend or family member’s face. I want to make them happy and let them know how important they are to me. However, I sometimes forget that the best gifts are those where I give a little bit of myself - where I create something for them or plan an adventure. Those tend to be the gifts my people remember and the experiences I remember as well. 

And, given the best gift of all time, it seems appropriate. God gave His best to us when He gave us His only begotten son more than two thousand years ago (John 3:16). God didn’t give us a material gift that was temporary and would deteriorate (2 Cor 4:18). He gave us the gift of eternal life which only comes through His son (John 14:6). That is a matchless gift. We could never do better, but we can give of our time and talents to those around us and to Him (Luke 6:38). 

We are all so busy, it’s difficult to set aside time for those who are important to our lives and to set aside time just to be. This Christmas holiday season take a look at all the loot you’re buying and giving and just evaluate whether that is the best gift you can give. Is there a way to give of yourself? Is there an experience you can organize? I know it’s a week so it can’t be a formal event, but getting together to look at Christmas Lights or singing carols or making cookies don’t take very much planning. You’ll get to make memories that will be with you no matter what comes. What gifts are you giving? Will they last? Or are they just temporary? Give your best gifts. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Time Flies

Birthdays are times to reflect on who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going. I celebrated another birthday last week and went on my annual birthday trip. This year, a girlfriend met me in one of favorite places and we had an awesome time – catching up and hanging out. It was great. I’m so grateful for good friends and family. I have an extremely fulfilling job where I practically impact people’s lives every day. I get to bless others as a result of how God has blessed me (Prov 11:25). In spite of the challenges, God continues to strengthen me and show me new mercies every morning. 

As I reflected over the last year, I thought of all the ways my life changed. Selling a house, moving to a new city, buying a house and all it entails, have been the major changes but there have been lots of small ones. I found a church I really like and have made some connections here. I am getting to know my neighbors. I’ve been blessed with a great group of co-workers. Sure, there have been challenges – getting my office bookshelf finished and finding a doctor, etc., but the pros outweigh the cons by far. 

So now, I’m thinking on the next year. What is my focus? I’m striving to align my life with God’s will consistently over the next year (Rom 12:2) – regardless of topics or issue. What I know for sure is that His ways are not mine and His thoughts are not mine (Isa 55:8-9), but I want them to be. I want to look more and more like Him. I only have so much time and it flies, so I need to be intentional about how I spend my time (Psa 90:12). I understand that the enemy is all about distracting me from my goals but it’s totally up to me what I do with that information. I can allow it to happen or I can do what I know to do and press forward anyway. I just have to remember that time continues to fly and there is no time to waste. 

God bless you!

Sunday, December 3, 2023

What's Your Next Move?

I’ve been thinking lately that my life is good. I can really complain about anything in it. Yes, I could lose a little weight and I could save a little more money. I could give a bit more of my time. I’ve also been wondering about my next steps. I’m almost settled in my new town and home. I don’t know what the Lord has in store for me, but my career is in a great place – I couldn’t ask for a better job (outside of retirement).

So, what am I supposed to be doing? Or getting ready for? While I have this “down time”, there are plenty of things for me to work on. 

1) My health – I do need to lose a bit of weight and exercise. God wants us in good health (Psa 104:14) and being overweight contributes to all sorts of illnesses. So, while it’s not easy, I’ll be working on a bit of discipline. 

2) Enhancing my skills and talents. I regularly assess where I am and while I’ve done a lot, I still have a long way to go. The more skilled I am, the more opportunity will present itself (Pro 22:29; Matt 25:14-30). I’ve learned that many of the skills we develop are transferrable. I don’t know how they will be used in the future, but I know they will be. 

3) Finding ways to give. This time of year, there are so many in need and not enough resources, so I’m looking for ways I can give to others and inspires others to give cheerfully (2 Cor 9:7; Acts 20:35). It’s better to give than to receive. 

4) Seeking God more. I tend to have so many balls in the air all the time, I sometimes move before I seek the Lord and His will for a thing. I need to consistently seek Him first so I’m allowing Him to always lead me (Matt 6:33, Pro 3:5-6). If I lean on him and not my own understanding, He will direct me. 

So, what is your next move? If you haven’t stepped back and taken a look at your life to identify areas needing work, you should. We all have choices to make about our lives and the more reflection, the better we’ll be at making those choices. Remember, God is faithful to complete what He began in you (Phil 1:6). All the best on your journey! Be blessed!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Power of Yes!

When was the last time the Lord led you to do something difficult? How did you respond to it? Did you doubt, question, hem and haw about what you were being led to do because of your own abilities? Did you think you weren’t good enough? Did you think you weren’t smart enough? Did you think you didn’t want to work that hard? 

I know exactly how that feels. When I was compelled to apply for my current job, I didn’t know what to think. I had acted in the position for four months prior and really liked the team and for the first time considered that a role like this one could be for me. However, I had no real desire for it or plan to move from the home that was almost finished paying for. I had plans for that house and my retirement and none of that included a move to the Midwest and the cold (it snowed last night and has been below freezing for most of the day). 

But I knew God had something more for me to do. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I wasn’t able to sleep at night until I decided to apply. My prayer – if I wasn’t hearing from God and this job wasn’t for me, that He would block it. Like I said, I didn’t want the job, but I knew He was preparing me for more. Would it be a challenge? Absolutely. But would it be rewarding and fulfilling? Probably. Would I be stretched and sometimes uncomfortable? Sure – it’s not comfortable to grow (Isa 41:10). 

I was forced to remember that God doesn’t call us to anything we can do on our own. If we can do something in our own power, it’s not God. Think about all the heroes and heroines of the Bible – nothing God called them to, could they do on their own. He always leads us to something where we have to lean and depend on Him. He will get the glory – it will not be ours. When we trust and acknowledge Him, He will direct our path (Prov 3:5-6). 

The times I’ve said “yes” to God’s will for my life have been some of the most challenging but most fulfilling overall (this one included). It’s been in those times that I’ve learned the most about Him and myself and my relationship with Him. Saying “Yes” to the Lord is never a mistake. He knows what’s best for us and because He does, our following His leading always works out for our best (Rom 8:28). Saying “Yes” to God is really surrendering our will to His will (Jam 4:8-10). Recognizing that He knows better than we do and His will is better than ours, can only bless us in the long run.

Want to glorify the Lord and be blessed by Him, say “Yes” to Him. He will never disappoint. And even when trials come, He will never leave nor forsake you (Psa 55:22; Deut 31:6). Try Him for yourself.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Love in Action

We often hear people say they love someone or something. We say it often. But what does that mean? Do we have soft emotional feelings about a thing? Do we want what is best for someone or are we more focused on ourselves? Do we even understand what love is? 

First Corinthians 13 lays out what love looks like. Love is more than a feeling. It’s a change of heart and it’s action. Love is patient and kind and is not rude or arrogant. Love loves the truth. Love carries burdens for others. It is forever. Can you say you feel that way for someone else? If so, how do you show it? Love is an action word. It is not passive or complacent. 

God is Love (1 John 4:16) and He gives to us daily (Matt 7:11), so therefore Love Gives. According to scripture, it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). So if we love, we are patient, kind, not arrogant or boastful, we rejoice in the truth and we give. While there are other traits, these stand out to me. To live in this space, we have to be unselfish, putting others ahead of ourselves and our own desires. 

How often do you put someone else’s needs ahead of your own? How often do you make time for someone close to you instead of taking care of your own wants? How patient are you with your children or co-workers? How often do you calm irritability or stop resenting others? Love isn’t always easy, sometimes it requires sacrifice (John 3:16).  But it is worth it. We are all called to it - Love God and Love our neighbors as ourselves.

My regular prayer is that God would help me love as He loves. I’m a long way from it and I can get irritated or impatient just like the next person, but I strive more and more every day to look and act like He does. I can only do that under the power of the Holy Spirit. I lean and rest in Him. Take a long look at your life and see if love is obvious in your life. If not, now is the time to seek God and change it. 

As Paul wrote, we are nothing without love (1 Cor 13:1-3). So now faith, hope and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love (1 Cor 13:13). 

Monday, November 13, 2023

All Lives Matter

This weekend I spent some time at the African American Museum (my first time visiting) and it was phenomenal. I only viewed three floors (the history floors) and not everything on them but the thing that was clear and evident was the strength and courage of the Africans and African Americans who came before me. It’s only due to their commitment and passion for freedom that I can sit here writing this blog. They paved the way for me to even have the opportunity to be successful by human standards. 

Along the way through the history floors, I got angry at certain sections where Black people were mistreated, abused, and thought of as nothing more than property and then I realized I was able to stand in that area. I was proud of who we are and who many of us are becoming. Are there some who are wasting their lives away and an embarrassment to me and my ancestors? Of course. I don’t think our ancestors suffered and died so some could be “free” to squander their God-given talents and abilities. We can be so much more than that but we have to make a choice to be and to do the work. But that’s a story for another day. 

As I walked along the wall and saw the names of all the slave ships that brought Africans to America, the Caribbean, Europe, etc., and all the lives that were lost per ship during the Middle Passage, I could only think of all the dreams and accomplishments that were lost due to greed and ego and desire for power. It was evidence of the truth that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10).  It was also clear the people who perpetrated the atrocities didn’t know Jesus in their hearts. The Bible says a tree is known by its fruit (Matt 7:16-20), so if the fruit is evil or bitter, so is the tree. Only an evil or bitter or greedy person could believe the violence and terror aimed at the slaves was okay. 

At the end of the day, all lives matter. Meaning no lives matter more than others – Black lives matter just as much as all the others. Everyone has something to contribute – some smaller than others. None of us deserve more than others – we all deserve death, but Jesus. God has given us talents and gifts (Rom 16:6) for His glory and He’s provided what we need to gain wealth (Deut 8:18), but it is up to us to live up to the potential He has placed in us. That pesky free will allows us to choose. 

When we realize all lives matter, we realize we all miss out when lives are lost or dreams die.  It also helps us to realize that we have a responsibility to support equality and fair treatment – what people do with it is up to them.  But as bringers of peace and the Good News – accessibility to the Prince of Peace is for everyone, if they choose and it’s our responsibility to be about our Father’s business pointing them to Him because all lives matter. He wants none to be lost (2 Pet 3:9), but He won’t push Himself on anyone. Your life matters! What will you choose to do with it?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

How are you spending your time?

Can you believe it’s the first Sunday in November? It still feels like the year just started. The older I get the more time flies. I plan something and before I know it, the time has arrived. When we lost the hour for Daylight Savings Time several months ago, I thought of how I couldn’t wait to get that hour back and now it’s here, but I don’t know that the hour means all that much except now I’ll be coming home from work in the dark – I did enjoy being able to lay in bed for a little while longer this morning. 

At the end of the day, we all have only so much time. According to the bible, a man’s (or woman’s) days are numbered (Job 14:5). Only God knows how long we have. And given I believe that, the only thing left for me to decide is how I will spend the time I have. Will I throw it away playing video games or watching movies (two things I love) or will I be about my Father’s business? Now the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive, but it does require me to be intentional about my actions. I can watch a movie or play a video game, as long as I don’t put them before what God is calling me to do. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying come clean things in life as long as they are not getting a higher place than our purpose in God (Eph 5:15-16). 

God calls us to not have any other God’s before Him or to have idols (Exo 20:3-5, Lev 26:1). We have to be careful we are not making idols of things or people - where any opinions or desires weigh more than God’s. He created us for His glory (Isa 43:7) and, like the money we’ve been blessed to steward, how we spend our time, shows what has the greatest importance in our lives (Matt 6:21). Take for instance someone who says the Lord and their family are the most important things to them, but they work all the time or spend all their time at the local casino or bar. They are saying one thing and doing something else.  Our actions speak more for us than our words. 

Of course, there are excuses – “I’m working to give them a better life” or “They are better off without me.” Better than what? Is giving them things or your absence more important than giving of yourself? Or is it just easier or more comfortable? Do they really know you? Do you know them? Is a life full of stuff really more fulfilling that a life of experiences with people who truly love and are there for you? 

So how are you spending your time? Take a look at what you say you value and look at how the use of your time shows that or whether it shows something completely differently. Stuff is nice, but you are better. Never underestimate the power of showing up and giving of yourself. Life is too short to have regrets when you can do something about them. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Christ-Centered Life

The word Christian is tossed around by folks who occasionally go to church or who know who God is. It’s a word those enslavers used and then used the bible to justify their actions. It’s a word those in politics use even as they would cut the protections or support for those without. It’s the word people use to disassociate themselves from other religions in the world. But what does the term actually mean? The definition is a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity. So, can one believe in Christianity and not have a relationship with Christ? Sure. How many people recognize there is a God? Lots. Of them, many just acknowledge Him, but don’t follow Him or have relationship with Him? Are they better off than those who don’t believe there is a God? For the purposes of this conversation, they are the same. 

Anyone who has not confessed Jesus as Lord, repented of their sins and accepted the gift of salvation (Romans 10:9-10), acknowledging that the only way to the Father is through the Son, is in the same boat – whether they believe there is a God or not (John 14:6). They are still unsaved and if that doesn’t change, will find themselves in a very real Hell upon their physical death. It’s a sad and tragic reality. All this leads to the main topic – living a Christ-Centered life. 

In all our doing, our main responsibility is to be in relationship with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) – loving Him first and then loving our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). If we love God first and foremost with everything in us, living Christ-Centered with be our focus. Every thing we do will be to grow closer to Him and to bring God glory – not as an add on, but engrained into every aspect of our lives. We’ll acknowledge that God is our source in everything and give Him thanks for the blessings we have (Rom 11:36). We will find Him even in our biggest challenges (e.g., sickness, financial problems, job loss, deaths, etc.) where we can glorify Him in the way we face our trails. And if we love others as ourselves, we’ll build relationships that will build us up instead of tear us down (1 Thes 5:11). We’ll have someone to share our burdens and not have to carry them alone (Gal 6:2). We were never meant to walk this life alone – God made Eve as a comparable helper for Adam (Gen 2) and Jesus walked and mentored the disciples during His three-year ministry (Mark 3:13-19). 

A Christ-Centered life looks like seeing and talking about the Lord in all things. When we’re blessed in some way – how was His hand in it? When things turn out in a way we don’t necessarily like or we’re hurt – how does God show up? Our attitude? Our behavior? What lesson do we learn?  How do we incorporate the Lord into our actions? Are we the same when no one else is watching? Christ is always watching. Remember if we have truly accepted Jesus, the Holy Spirit is on the inside of us and we take Him where we go. He has a front row seat to us “borrowing” the pens from work or wasting our time or eating that extra piece of cake we said we wouldn’t. 

Leading a Christ-Centered life is one where we spend time with the Lord – in prayer and reading our bible. You will be transformed as your mind is renewed (Rom 12:2). It’s one where we listen for His guidance and instruction instead of going with our gut. It’s where we do what we say we’ll do. It’s one where we recognize He is everything to us. It’s one where we recognize, we can do nothing worthwhile without Him. It’s one where we recognize, we are lost without Him. It’s one where we tell the good news and model what a real relationship with Him looks like. 

Do you want a Christ-Centered life? First, accept Jesus as Savior. Then, make Him the priority. Spend time with Him. Incorporate Him fully into every aspect of your life and your everyday. Build relationships within the body of Christ – once we’re saved, we are all part of His body. And watch the changes in your life. There will still be people and things that let you down and there will still be hard times, but He will be with you through them. You’ll never be alone (Matt 28:20). 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sharing means Trust

Have you ever thought about your strongest relationships? What makes them strong? It’s more than just the people in the relationship. At the end of the day, you don’t have strong relationships with people you don’t trust. 

So, what is trust? According to the dictionary, trust is firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. It is not something that is easily given. As we build relationships, we determine who is trustworthy by what they do. Do the people around us gossip about things they’ve been told? If so, we won’t tell them our secrets. Do they put themselves ahead of everyone else? If not, we will be concerned that they only think of themselves and would sacrifice those around them for what they want. All these things affect how much and whether we’ll trust those around us. 

Once we know who we can trust, we share who we are with them. The amount of our sharing is directly proportional to the level at which we trust. We only share our secrets with people we believe will never share them and won’t judge. So, with whom have you built relationships where you can trust with any and every thing? Who are the people who can trust you with any and every thing? If we want people to trust us, we, too, have to be trustworthy (Prov 18:24). 

Of course, the Lord is trustworthy (Psa 25:1-3). We can tell Him anything and He affords us a chance to confess, repent and come to Him with a heart that wants forgiveness and acceptance. We can accept Jesus as personal savior and be accepted for who we are – secrets and all.  And because we are not meant to walk through life alone, He will give us people we can trust as well. 

God loves us so much that He will provide us friends who are closer than brothers (Prov 17:17). Those people we can depend on to listen to us when we hurt; to not judge when we mess up; to pray for us when we are going through and choose to love us in spite of the flaws, issues or scars we carry (1 John 4:7). Who are the people God has blessed you with in this way? I’ve been blessed with a few and I have to say my life is so much richer for having them (Prov 27:17). They help build me up and not break me down. They help to remind me of God’s great love for me. It’s one more example of how God provides exactly what we need. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Beauty for Ashes

I know this one is a little late but it’s still Sunday somewhere. Have you ever thought about the origin of the Hawaiian Islands. They are the product of lava flow on the bottom of the ocean. They have grown as the lava flowed over many, many years. Parts of the Island chain still sit over the hot spot and continue to grow.  The evidence of this can be found on all the islands but especially the Islands of Maui and Hawaii (AKA “The Big Island”). 

I've been to multiple Hawaiian islands and I have to admit, they are among the most beautiful places on earth. Several of the islands have multiple climates and attributes (rain forests, desert, mountains, etc.). They are amazing. I can understand why some would visit and decide to never leave. However let's get back to the point at hand. Out of molten rock, life and beauty. There are many species of plant and tree and animal that can only be found on the Hawaiian Islands so they couldn’t have been brought from other places. You might think how can this be but I offer you – God.

Science hadn't yet figured out how He did it and I suspect it never will. It reminds how amazing God is. Out of fire and ash He can bring something beautiful. On the “Big Island” where there is still active volcanic activity, you see areas where the lava has been crushed next to resorts and along roads. It is an amazing things to see. Contrast it to the island of Kauai (the “Garden Isle” and the oldest Island in the chain), where there is currently no volcanic activity and hasn’t been for years. Less than 90% of the Island is developed and you can see the beauty God created in His own time there that remains untouched by humans for the most part. Out of the Ashes on Kauai, lushness beyond imagining exists (until you see it for yourself). I imagine it must be similar to what Eden was like. 

If God can do that out of fire and ash after creating a whole world, what can’t He do? Absolutely nothing (Jer 32:27). God can do anything (Matt 19:26). Nothing is impossible (Luke 18:27) with Him and no matter what is going on in our lives He can turn it around and give us beauty for the ashes (Isa 61:1-3) left behind in the destruction of our lives. We just have to let Him. And what I mean is, we have to choose Him and let Him lead us. We must choose His son as Lord and Savior. We will still have tests and trials, but He will be with His children. Those who are not His children are already separated from Him by sin (doing what is contrary to His ways). What do you choose? Life or Separation (death)? 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Growing as a Leader!

I’ve mentioned before that I lead an organization and every day, I’m striving to lead well and help those with whom God has entrusted me.  Every day I think I’m inadequate to hold the position I do. Yes, I’ve been leading for a long time. Yes, I have degrees and experience, but I don’t know everything nor will I ever. I am constantly reminded of my inadequacy with emergencies and situations I’ve never experienced before arise. 

Yes, I lean on my past experience of dealing with similar issues and my knowledge of protocol and procedures, but more than that I lean on the Holy Spirit to direct me. I trust His guidance in speaking with my staff or speaking with my supervisors and senior leaders at work. I have done the work, but He is still working on me. Sometimes I make mistakes, but I don’t try to hide them from my staff – I own them. None of us are perfect and we all need some grace.  

As I strive to be more like Jesus, I strive to lead like Him. To that end, I’ve attended conferences and classes and studied devotionals to teach me how Jesus led. Of course, Jesus loved the disciples and gave them identity as His followers. He spoke into them and called out those things that were not consistent with the character He was building in them. From my reading scripture, there are a few things I’d like to note. 

Out of all the people who followed Jesus, He had a specific group to whom He entrusted the work of ministry. He had an even smaller group who went into the intimate places with Him – Peter, James and John (Matt 17:1; Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51). Much like Him, I have an inner circle. My inner circle advises and provides feedback and experience things first hand with me. They are first ones I send out so that instructions and guidance flow out to everyone else. 

Another thing of note is that Jesus delegated. He gave the disciples authority to do the work and then He delegated assignments to them. He taught and directed and then He sent. He modeled the behavior He wanted to see in them and then He sent them out to do the work (Luke 9:1-2; Mark 6:7). Delegation is something with which I struggle. I am a working manager. There are some things I know I do well. There are things I really like to do. However, I have to remember that as a leader, my job is to develop skills in the people I lead. In order to do that, I sometimes have to give up somethings I like doing. That is painful, but the rewards are great. It builds confidence in the staff. It shows that I trust them. It gives them the ability to learn while having a safety net. It ensures the skills are passed on so they can be amplified. As more people learn skills, synergy is created – you can get more done through others. 

Are you a leader? How are you growing as a leader? Are you intentional? Are you uncomfortable? Are you striving for excellence? Are you self-reflective? Growth is a process and it’s never really easy, but it is so worth it. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

God Provides!

Our Father is a provider. When we come to end of ourselves and lean on Him, we realize He provides what we need when we need it. God never leaves us to our own devices when we seek Him. We may not hear or see Him, but we can stand on the promise that He is working all things out for our good (Rom 8:28). 

As I think you know, I recently moved to the Midwest with no ties to the area. I don’t have any family in the area nor did I know any significant number of people before moving. I felt I was being led to the area and in a desire to be obedient, much like Abraham, I moved to a place that I did not know to fulfill a plan I was unfamiliar with (Gen 12). I am just taking steps as they come to me. I have no real sense of what the future holds, so I just take one small step in front of the other. 

In this move, God has provided for me from the very beginning. First, friends to help me pack...and unpack. Then, help with finding and paying for housing. Help with both selling and purchasing a new house. I can see God’s hand in way too many other things to count. He has been here for it all. He has opened doors no one else could open. God continues to provide for all my needs. 

God’s limitless grace and mercy blows my mind. Even when I’m off the rails, God keeps me. Yes, he will chasten me if warranted (Heb 12:6-7), but He also affords me His mercy. The fact that He continues to love, protect and provide for us speaks to His character as Father. His word says, He will “supply all our need according to His riches in glory (Phil 4:19-20).” Since He doesn’t lie (Num 23:19), I can stand on His word, whether I am well off or living paycheck to paycheck. He will always do what He has said. 

What is He saying to you? What are you standing on? Unlike us, God is faithful to complete whatever He starts (Phil 1:6). 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Good Parenting!

So, disclaimer up front, I don’t have children – I’m not a parent. But, I’ve been a child and I’ve worked with children through church for many years. I have lots of nieces and nephews. I’ve also read scripture to learn God’s way of raising them to be successful adults. Am I trying to pass myself off as an expert? Absolutely not. But I do have some life lessons and I’ve learned from watching other people raise their children. Sometimes it’s easier for someone who isn’t in the middle of the situation to see the big flashing lights screaming “Warning! Warning!”

Today, more than ever with the opioid crisis and the rise in suicide, it’s important to make sure children are getting the attention and love they need to grow into confident, successful adults. How do we get them through the teen years when there is so much pulling at them and way too much information to process? It’s a challenge. There are a couple of tips to combat these influences that I can recommend. 

The first is to introduce them to the Lord (Deut 6:6-7). How do we do that? Tell them the gospel, of course. But the children around us learn from what we do more than what we say (Jam 1:22-26). Do they see you praying about everything (Phil 4:6-7)? Do they see you regularly reading your bible and living a life consistent with its teachings? Do they see you giving God praise even when things aren’t going well? Do they feel your love through discipline and training? Do they have time with you? Are you teaching them biblical truths? If we don’t teach them, someone will teach them something (Prov 22:6). 

Our first relationship is with our parents, whom we are to honor (Deut 5:16). It helps shape and mold us and our perspective for life. If we are blessed with good parents, they love us enough to not be our friends as we grow up. You see, friends want people to like them.  Good, godly parents are not concerned about their child liking them (since we’re fickle any way and our feelings change from one moment to the next), they are more concerned about their child respecting them. They are more concerned about developing character in their children and teaching them life lessons that will build resilience, perseverance and lead to them being whole people. They love their children enough that they will discipline their children so they learn the right way to go (Prov 29:17). Understand, I didn’t say punish them. Punishment is not a good parent’s motive for disciplining their child. Discipline is for correction. It gives children boundaries and limits, which we all need. That’s why good parents don’t discipline their child when they are angry (Eph 6:4). That is why God chastens His children, because he loves us and is teaching us. God is a good, good father. He is the standard for parents. Parents set an example for their children’s relationship with the Lord - either positive or negative.

The second tip is to actually talk to your children.  I know they have their nose in the phone and all the answers are one or two syllables, but persevere. Schedule family dinners and ban phones at the table. Use conversation starters to get information about what’s important to them. Ask about their day and their teachers. Find out what’s important to them. Get to know their friends. Know who they are hanging out with. Know who is influencing their decisions. Care about the things they care about. Show them that they are important. Many parents buy a lot of things, but it is way more important to give them time with you. Be vulnerable with them. Share your lessons learned with them. Their experiences are different, so don’t minimize the impact it has on them. Don’t be dismissive or in a rush. Set aside quality time with them. 

Parenting is such an important job. You are stewarding God’s creation and building the future. The responsibility that comes with children is great. Don’t squander it. Don’t miss it. Think about how you can do be more engaged with them and not just doing a lot of stuff or buying a lot of things. Remember you’re raising them for God and doing what’s best for them. All of us benefit from good parenting. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Living the Life

It’s really easy to think about our priorities and the things important to us. But how often do we question whether our priorities are God’s priorities? How often do we question how we are living our lives and whether we are living up to God’s expectations? Not of our own will and power, but that of the Holy Spirit who lives on the inside of the Christ follower (1 Cor 3:16). 

We know that when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we become a new creature. Old things are put away and all things become new (2 Cor 5:17). Then the question is why do we keep doing the old things. According to Romans, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:2). As our minds are renewed, then our hearts are changed and our actions began to line up with who we are. 

The more time we spend in the presence of God, the better we know Him and the better we know ourselves and who we are in Him. The more we know Him, the more we love Him. Just as we want to please those closest to us, as we draw closer to God and He draws closer to us (Jer 29:12-14), the more we want to please Him as well. We begin to think more of Him and less of ourselves. 

When we put Him first (Matt 6:33), it becomes more about what He wants than what we want. We recognize that He knows what’s best and that He sees what we don’t. We begin to recognize that His will for us is better than anything we can come up with on our own. We begin to understand that doing things His way, is the best way for us and gets the best results. We stop worrying about what others expect of us, because we realize they have no rule and reign over us unless we give it to them. We desire to live a life that reflects Him. We want to live up to His standard. We learn that we don’t control the outcome and that should take the pressure off. 

When we choose to be obedient and live the life God has called us to, a life reflective of the Son of God, we realize we don’t have to worry about the decisions we make or the outcomes (Heb 5:2-8). If we are obedient, God has it and He has us. James tells us to be doers of the word and not just hearers (Jam 1:22-26). God shares Himself with us out of His abundant love for us. He wants us to do well and therefore, He gives us instruction (Psa 32:8; Prov 3:5-6). When we follow the instructions, blessings come (Deut 28:1-14). When we don’t, we get the opposite. We all mess up. But do we put ourselves over God in our hearts? Are you living an obedient life or one of our own choosing? Do we follow God’s leading or that of our own desires? God gives us His Word so we will know Him better, as well as, how to live and obey? Are you living the life? 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Decision is Yours!

We make decisions every day about where we’ll go and what we’ll do….or not do. Each one of those decisions not only impacts today but tomorrow and the next day. What I eat today will have an impact on whether I can button my pants tomorrow or the next day. Whether I sleep tonight will determine if I’m at my best tomorrow. Whether I give to someone in need today may have an impact on whether I will have next time the opportunity comes around. Everything we do, comes with consequences – some good, some bad.

At church today during the sermon, the pastor said, the decisions we make today will determine our next chapter in life. As he ministered, I realized how true that is. My decision many years ago to study engineering has led me to where I am today. Did I have any idea this is where I’d end up? Absolutely not, but I had a plan to give whatever position my best and represent the Lord well. He has been faithful and opened doors I never could have opened on my own. His providence has worked throughout my life. What is God’s providence? It’s how He directs things in the universe and moves them around for our good. As Pastor Craig said today, God’s providence is best read like the written Hebrew language – backwards. When I look back over my life, I can see God’s hand all over it.

From the opportunity to go to a really good university (two, actually), to my first job while I was in grad school (which I asked one of my professors for out of the blue) to my first real job to the one I have now. God’s hand has worked through out my life and has led me to places I never would have gone on my own. God’s plans for me have always been to give me a future and a hope (Jer 29:11). Even when I couldn’t see His hand, He was there (Psa 16:8). Even when things didn’t look good or like I thought they should, He was there moving pieces around to bring about His purpose and plan.  

We get to decide every day whether we will live to please Him or not. And choosing not to decide, is a decision. If we’re not following Him, we are separated from Him. There is no middle ground with Him. We either are or we aren’t. And even when we aren’t, His mercy still provides us another chance (Lam 2:22-23) until we take our last breath. Our dilemma is that we don’t know when that will be. We don’t know when we’ll be called away from this place (Matt 24:36) and have to give an account of all our deeds – both good and bad (Rom 14:11-12). That’s why we can’t take time for granted, because we don’t control it and we have no say in it.

It behooves us to get it right with God now. And once we accept Jesus and confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins (1 John 1:9) and then the Lord sees us through the blood of Jesus (Heb 7:27). How awesome is that. God’s grace is sufficient for us (2 Cor 12:9). Once we recognize that life doesn’t just happen to us, we have power to influence it. Yes, bad things happen, but we get to decide how we will work through them. It’s always better with God, we just have to decide to let Him lead instead of thinking we know best – WE DON’T. No matter how smart we are, He's smarter. Decide this day, who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Josh 24:15). What about you?

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Happy Labor Day!

As I was writing a message to my staff leading up to the holiday weekend, I learned something new.  According to the Department of Labor’s history on the day, the holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America's strength, prosperity, and well-being. What a nice way to honor the contributions each worker brings to build this imperfect but great country we live in. I wish you an amazing holiday!

As we celebrate, I'd ask you to consider the labor you’ve done for the One and Only Master we serve. While the bible indicates we should not eat if we don’t work (2 Thes 3:10), it also indicates we were given a commission by Christ prior to his ascension to the Father. Jesus told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15). So, what have you done to fulfill that commission? Are you preaching the gospel where you are? Are you telling the good news at work? Are you telling the good news at the grocery store? Do you share the good news with those friends you know are heading in an unsafe direction? Do you see them as valuable to Jesus just like you are? 

The bible says the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Matt 9:37-38). Are you a laborer?  Are you trying to remain comfortable in your position or are you willing to be uncomfortable to obey Jesus? I sometimes forget that I’m just passing through this place and it’s not my home (Heb 13:14). And it’s not yours. 

Have you ever wondered why you don’t every really feel comfortable in a hotel? You can bring all the things you need along with you on the trip but it’s never quite right. You have to find the things you need because they are not like you have them in your own space. The bed doesn’t feel like yours. It’s foreign. 

Well, that is the feeling we should have while we’re here during this time. Everything we see is temporary – the job, the house, the car, the pay check, etc (2 Cor 4:18). It’s all temporary and it’s all for God’s glory. None of what we have is just for us. God has placed us in whatever our position so we can bless someone else (Heb 13:16). 

God blesses us and He’s always with us. He knows us and our weaknesses and yet He gives us what we need to grow and learn to be more like Him. Can you imagine how productive we could be if we were more like God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? If we just stayed focused on the One thing – Him.  How do we know God better? How do we gain strength, endurance and patience for the work He has before us? Let’s find time for Him. Let’s make sure we are ready and prepared for the work ahead of us. Remember, the harvest in plentiful and the laborers are few. Are you laboring? 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Don’t Miss Your Moment

Every day the news reports the latest tragedy and hardship available whether a natural event like a hurricane or a shooting. It reminds each of us that we are here walking the earth for a very short time and have only a small window to do something impactful or reach the goals we set in childhood. We are reminded that time is not promised and we are vulnerable to sickness and the happenings of life. 

Those of us who know Jesus are not exempt from the tragedies of life (Jam 1:2-4). We will see and face them, however, we know that God has called us to more. He has a purpose and a plan for our lives, that came to be before we were even born. While we were still in our mothers’ wombs, He planned and knew us (Jer 1:5). While things may come that are scary for us, we must step into the unknown believing God when He said He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb 13:5-6). We have to seize the moment. 

There are no guarantees when it comes to our time on earth (Jam 4:13-15). Last week, three teenagers were in a car accident. They never should have been driving. All three ended up in critical condition because of a few bad choices. None of them walked away unscathed. This is an opportunity to allow the Lord to teach and provide guidance and strength. Will they? Only God knows. But the fact that they are still here says they still have an opportunity to take advantage of this moment and God can show Himself strong and mighty even in the midst of their recovery (Psa 68:28). 

God’s plans for us are always to prosper us and to make us better (Jer 29:11). That doesn’t mean that we won’t face adversity. We will (Psa 22:11). Adversity is a certainty as we move down any path, but with each adverse situation, our faith grows and as we use God’s tactics we become stronger (1 Pet 1:7-9). We have more of a testimony of God’s favor and grace (Psa 77:11). We can speak to what we know about God and how He got us through each situation. It makes us more courageous for the next one. 

Are you missing out on what God called you to? I hope not. His plans are better than ours. Even when they hurt as we go through them, He knows better than we do. Endure. Don’t miss your moment. Don’t miss your calling. Be who God created you to be and see where He takes you. Remember who you are. You are loved (Eph 3:18-19). You are never alone (Josh 1:9). You are chosen (John 15:16). 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Generous Living

How generous are you? That’s really a question only we can answer about ourselves. I like to think that I’m generous and I love to give gifts and not just any gift, but the right gift. The one that will grab someone and make their day. I love that. I believe in paying my tithes and giving offerings (Mal 3:10). I love giving to charity and supporting people less fortunate (Prov 28:27).  It makes my heart glad to give. 

On the other hand, I’m not as generous with my time. I love my alone time. Don’t get me wrong. I love people and spending time with them, but my time is valuable to me. In some cases, I’d much rather give a gift than my time. 

So, I’m working to be more generous with my time and my talents. I have to remember they don’t belong to me (Deut 10:14). Just like God has blessed me to be able to bless others with gifts they will like, he also blessed me with time and talent to bless others (2 Cor 9:10-15). He wants all of me. And He wants me to give all of me away like Jesus did. I have to remember that. I’m to love my brother as I love myself. I’m to think of others before myself. 

Does that mean that I’m not to enjoy what I’ve worked so hard for? Absolutely not (1 Tim 6:17-18). But I always have to remember that I’m only a steward of God’s resources and while He wants me to be content and have joy, I’m also to help my brother or sister when they are in need (1 John 3:17). That doesn’t mean that I’m to step into His place and get into situations where He’s working something out of or into them. It means, I’m to listen to Him and move when He tells me to move, whether financially, physically, or prayerfully. 

While it’s sometimes difficult, it is God’s will that we are generous as He has been generous to us. We follow His example when we are generous givers. He has given us so much, it’s only right that we bless someone else (Heb 13:16). God loves us so much that Christ died for us (John 3:16). We are saved into the body of Christ. We are His hands and feet. If we say we are of Christ and we are not generous, do we not teach the world that Christ really isn’t generous (Prov 11:24-25)? We would be teaching a lie. Our lives wouldn’t be consistent with who God is. If we are of Christ, we have to reconcile ourselves with the fact that generosity must be part of our walk with Him. 

If Jesus is our standard, we need to line up with His sense of giving. Where are you on the scale? I know I have work to do. What about you? 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

Who doesn’t want to experience a miracle? Who doesn’t want something turned around in their favor? Who doesn’t want God to intervene on their behalf? We all do. When we are in a bad situation, we all want God to help us. What happens if He doesn’t? Do we lose faith in Him? And, if so why? 

God doesn’t owe us anything. He created us and gave us the tools to live a fulfilling life when we put Him first and give Him credit for who and what He made us. I mean, when we are fulfilling the purpose He gave us before birth, not when we’re leading and guiding ourselves down a path that we like that has nothing to do with God’s purpose and will for our lives. Even then bad times come, and we ask God to fix them, and when He does or doesn’t what do we do? Do we testify about the goodness of God that He would get the glory in either situation or do we stand by quietly and let people believe whatever they are going to believe? Whether he answers our prayer the way we want Him to or not, He is still good and He’s still faithful (Lam 3:22-23). His nature does not change (Mal 3:6). 

When I think back on all the miracles, signs, and wonders performed in the bible, I realize none of them were done for people’s comfort. In all the cases, people had to walk through some things, some of them horrible, and the Lord was on the other side of them, not necessarily for the comfort of that person but that they or others would see the power of God and believe in Him or because people had other work to do (John 2:11; Luke 18:27). In all the cases I remember, the miracles, signs, and wonders were about saving souls and building the kingdom of God (Mark 16:20). It wasn’t about the comfort of those people. It was about God’s glory and lives saved.

It appears we sometimes get it twisted and think God is moving so we will not suffer. I don’t believe that is the case. Jesus suffered and died, so to believe that we will not suffer in doing what is right, we are fooling ourselves. We will suffer through some things, but the question is why? Is it to strengthen our faith or those around us? (Job 5:8-9) God doesn’t just do stuff to be doing it. He’s got a purpose, a plan in mind in everything He does (Heb 2:4). Even the beautiful skies are to remind us of His glory. 

Remember, when you’re asking God to move have faith that He definitely can do whatever we ask Him to do…..but never forget He may choose to go a different way. That’s not doubting, that’s the truth. That should not change our faith walk because again God is still God and He is still good (Deut 3:16-18). 

God is in charge. We are not. Just because we ask doesn’t mean we’ll get. We know He can do the impossible. He is a good parent who will do what is best for us, even if we don’t like His decision. The thing to remember is that regardless of His decision, it’s all grounded in love for us and what’s best for us. So are the miracles, signs, and wonders that point us to the Father – they are grounded in His love for us and His desire that all would be saved. 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Changing Direction

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been attending Life Church instead of attending church remotely. It’s been an awesome experience. While I still don’t know “know” people at church, it’s great being in the room with others gaining insight and learning more about the Lord together. This week, Pastor Craig taught from the Book of Ruth and the lesson got me. Pastor made me think differently about the first chapter of Ruth. 

As the chapter begins, we find that the world was much like we see it today. People were living where everyone did what was right in their own eyes (Jud 21:25). People were living their best life and according to their truth. They were doing what they thought was best even if it was against God’s Word and His ways. During this time, Elimelech took his wife, Naomi, and two sons to Moab, a country God considered his washpot (Psa 60:8). The Moabites were the descendants of Job and his daughter, the product of incest. They also worshiped false Gods, practices sexual immorality and sacrificed to these false Gods. God forbid the Israelites from intermarrying with them. However, Elimelech’s sons married Moabite women. 

Elimelech followed his own direction to Moab when there was famine in the land. Pastor described how Elimelech went to Moab to save his family and all of them died except Naomi. She survived the time in Moab, but she was left alone with her daughters-in-law when her husband and sons died (Ruth 1:1-5). But God’s plan will come to pass, even when we go our own way and take steps according to our thoughts instead of His. 

Ruth, Naomi’s Moabite daughter-in-law, would not leave her alone. She turned for the false Gods of her people and claimed the God of Israel as her God (Ruth 1:6-17). And when she turned and went back to Bethlehem to live among God chosen people, He interceded on her and Naomi’s behalf. Because of the trust placed in God and obedience to His way, both Naomi and Ruth were provided for. Ruth changed her direction and it changed her life. 

In what areas do you need to change direction? What do you need to stop doing or start doing? Do you need to start saving, instead of spending everything you get? Do you need to say “no” to someone? Do you need to remove someone from your life? Do you need to block a phone number? Do you need to step back and give someone to God? Do you need to start walking three days a week? Do you need to take a class? What is the thing you need to do under God’s direction that will change your life for the better? 

Elimelech made some poor choices, but God can use anything for His glory. What choices have you made in the past that you need to change? Don’t wait to do what you can do today! Change direction now. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

God's Grace

This past week, we studied Galatians 4 in bible study. The chapter is an interesting one when you consider that we are either bond or free. We either choose to accept the grace God gives us and accept Jesus as personal savior or we don’t. We either choose to be made free from sin or not – we cannot free ourselves – only faith in Jesus can do that.

The bible says clearly that the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). Sin is anything contrary to God’s word and will or anything we know is wrong to do. If the wages of sin is death, what can we do to make anything right with God? Correct – Nothing. We can do nothing to be in right standing with God. Jesus already paid for our sins more than 2000 years ago when He allowed himself to be killed. He carried all our sin to the cross, was buried and rose again. He paid the price for us because we could not pay the price for ourselves (John 8:36). Jesus paid it all!

We can do nothing but accept the gift Jesus paid for us. This is an insult to our fleshly nature. We are so used to taking credit for the things around us that when we have to give all the credit to Jesus, we rebel. We want to be praised and worshiped for the good things we do, but no matter how much work we do, He deserves all praise, glory and honor (Psa 96). 

But. we want the credit for the good things we’ve accomplished and progress we’ve made. All good things come from God (Jam 1:17) and He should get all the glory because without the gifts and talents He bestowed on us (Rom 12:6), we could not be successful. So even when we accomplish great things, God is responsible and He is supporting and directing our steps.

It is only by God’s grace that we are saved through faith in Jesus (Eph 2:8-9). This grace gives us freedom from the bondage that leads us to believe we can or have to do something for God to accept us. Our salvation is dependent on Jesus’ sacrifice alone. We are confirmed by the Holy Spirit on the inside of us (Eph 1:13). If we don’t have the Holy Spirit correcting, convicting, leading and guiding us, we should question whether we have a relationship with the triune God. 

God’s grace is sufficient for us no matter the circumstances (2 Cor 12:9). Have you received God’s saving grace? Because of the grace He provides to all of creation, there is still time if you’re reading this, but no one knows how much (Matt 5:44-45). Don’t wait. He loves you and wants to save you. Take Him up on His offer, He won’t disappoint. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Are You Free?

Over the past couple of days, I virtually engaged with Godly women at the Desperate for Jesus Women's Conference in Dallas, Texas. It was amazing. It was eye opening. It hurt. I cried. I laughed. I cringed. The ministers and minstrels did not come to make anyone comfortable, but came with the Word and the Truth to transform the women so they would not go home the way they arrived. The whole conference was about territory and it was based on Deuteronomy 1:8 – “See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land…” 

The women who ministered did not hold back or just provide flowery feel-good words. They brought the Word with power and authority given of the Holy Spirit.  The Word cut and convicted and, I hope and pray, healed. It’s amazing how much brokenness is in the world. And it’s amazing how much of it we bring upon ourselves, by not trusting that God is the one who knows best for us. We say we do, but as one of the ministers pointed out, we hold on to things “just in case” God doesn’t do what He said. Thank you, Dr. Sarita Lyons, for making it clear. What are you holding on to “just in case?” Are you trusting money, or your education, or someone God didn’t bring, or something else more than God? When you think about it like that, how insulting is it to God who is the creator of everything? He owns everything? Without Him, nothing moves or breathes or has being. Who am we to even consider that we know better? 

As I listened to each one of these women speak about letting go of fear and whatever is holding us back, and taking the hand of Jesus trusting Him to be our Savior. Trusting God to finish the work He is doing in and through us (Phil 1:6). I realized the common denominator in our failing to complete any task God gives us, is us. Don’t get me wrong. The devil is busy. He is on the warpath to keep us from completing the purpose of God (John 10:10). He is doing everything he can to keep God from getting the Glory He so rightly deserves. But, we let him. We let him distract us, and torture us with things that were never ours to hold.  Scripture tells us to lay down every weight and sin that so easily besets us (Heb 12:1). But do we, sometimes maybe, but not if it’s something we really like. If we really like it, we might pick it back up by staying a little too close to it.

The Word of God points us in the direction we are to follow (Psa 37:23-24). When we disobey, we are basically allowing our pride to drive us to rebellion. As James states, to know what is right and not to do it is sin to us (Jam 4:17). When God tells us to do something, not doing it is sin. When we choose to do something contrary to what God chose for us, we are stepping into the place of God in our own lives and we are sinning. And there will be consequences. It’s time to repent and step into whatever God has called us to do. We need to ask for His help to tear down anything keeping us from fulfilling His purpose for our lives (2 Cor 10:4). We need to get into the Word and keep our thoughts and eyes on Jesus. 

Until we surrender to Him, we will remain bound by all the things that keep us from Him. In Him is liberty and peace (2 Cor 3:17; Psa 29:11)). So, I ask the question – are you free? Seek the truth and do it. For the truth will make you free (John 8:32). 

Lord, I pray for anyone reading this right now, that you would release them from anything that is binding them. Lord, let them seek you and the power of the Holy Spirit to heal brokenness and to give them peace. Let them step boldly into what you have called them to and empower them to stay focused on you, our first love. Let us be obedient to your Word and your Ways. Let our lives glorify you in all we do. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Do You Know the Truth?

 In a world where so many are obsessed with living their truth, it’s good to know The Truth! Because we are ever-changing, our truth would change along with us. What happens when we change our minds?  How chaotic would it be to live in a world with no rules? Where you just made it up as you go along, with no higher authority to lead and guide you. That is what living your truth looks like. Do it if it makes you feel good.  Doesn’t matter if you step on someone else’s rights or hurt someone else. It’s all about you. But, that is what we see happening in the world with cancel culture and the increase in violence along with so many other disastrous consequences. 

This is also why it’s so important to know the truth. The way, the truth, and the life doesn’t change (John 14:6). He is ever present and ever constant. You always know where you stand with Him if you’re honest with yourself and you know His word. You may not agree with Him but His Word is True and He never lies.  Not only did He provide a way for us to live that is for our benefit, it is for the benefit of others as well. At the end of the day, it’s so NOT about me or you. It’s all about Him. The sooner we realize that the sooner our lives will be prosperous (Josh 1:8) and I don’t just mean with money, although, His Word says He will bless the work of our hands (Deut 28:12). 

I mean, when we accept that He knows better than we do and we are obedient to Him, He will bless our going in and our going out. We will be blessed in the city and in the country. Blessings will overtake us. (Deut 28:1-7)  God will make our enemies flee. If we do things His way, He will take care of our way. Not that we won’t have trials and tribulations because they will still come (Jam 1:2-4). But we will have a defender such that we will not be destroyed even when things look bleak. How comforting and refreshing to know that the situations around us are only temporary and if we belong to God and are obedient to Him, He’s already working it out on our behalf (Rom 8:28). 

But we have to do it His way if we want His blessing. Our biggest problem is that we think we’re in charge and we can assign Him work. We cannot. We can only request. And if the request is not in His will, He won’t do it. Simple as that. So let’s get close to Him and study His word to know what His will is (2 Tim 2:15). Then we can walk in the freedom we gain from knowing the truth (John 8:31-36). Do you know the truth? 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

How do We Deal with Fear and Failure?

We all know fear. It’s that emotion that got us when we were little and the lights went out or the one that made us jump when that first crack of thunder broke. The dictionary defines fear as an unpleasant emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; anxious concern; reason for alarm; to be afraid or apprehensive. I’ve experienced all of these. I’ve also allowed this emotion to prevent me from taking advantage of an opportunity or trying something new because I was afraid to fail. Failure is defined as a lack of success or falling short. In instances where that fear didn’t paralyze me, it drove me to give my best and keep going. 

Earlier today, I was listening to a video with Lisa Nichols, Motivational Speaker, about failing forward. What?!? What a concept! Acknowledging that none of us are perfect and we’re going to fail at things. The question is what do you learn from it. Does it stifle you or do you learn what doesn’t work for the next time. Do you get through the struggle and find another way to do the thing? Do you take time to evaluate the lessons you picked up along the way so you don’t repeat them? The discussion really gave me some perspective and a desire to never quit (Prov 24:16). More than anything, it made me question what I’d missed out on by allowing my fear of failure to keep me from trying something things. 

What about you? What are you afraid of? What is it keeping you from? A couple of questions to help get past the fear include – What’s the worst thing that will happen? What am I missing out on? What’s on the other side of my fear? What happens if I stay still? What opportunities will I miss? What am I teaching my children or my family? 

Fear serves a purpose. It’s gives us a warning that danger may exist. We shouldn’t just ignore it, we should take action to mitigate it. But we also shouldn’t allow it to keep us from moving forward (2 Tim 2:7). We should be strong and courageous (Josh 1:9). Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s going forward despite the fear. Whatever it is that scares us should never have the power to prevent us from taking on new challenges and trying new things or moving in a direction God is sending us. 

The real question is whether our fear is more important than being obedient and following the leading of God. It is not! How will you deal with fear and the possibility of failure? Will you be still? Or will you go forward? Only one of these choices leads to success and it’s not being still (Phil 4:13). Get moving! 

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Who are you? (Revisited)

Last September, I posted an entry and it resonated with me, so I’m reposting it today (see below). So many times, I've need to be reminded of who I am, because life happens and it’s sometimes hard to not be distracted by the minutia we face on this journey. But today, while listening to a message by Priscilla Shirer (, I was reminded that only God can define us. He is creator of all and He determines who and what we are. Period. When we rebel against that, we suffer for it. So, I hope having another read of this, you are encouraged that God sees and cares about you, no matter the circumstance. He knows you. If you accept Him, through His Son Jesus, He will never leave you. Enjoy!


Over the past few weeks, we’ve been studying “Who Am I?” in middle school ministry. As I’ve learned more as I prepared for class and I thought I would share here. So many times, we are defined by what we do or our title – at work and at home. We search for value and meaning from those around us. Our identity and how we define ourselves drives our thoughts and actions and many times to our detriment. We get so busy trying to “do” that we stop “being”. 

That’s why it is so freeing to be defined by our Creator and to know who we are and who we were created to be. God told us who we are in His Word, but we forget or don’t really grasp what it means. It doesn’t make sense that the creation can define itself, even if it has the ability to reason and the gift of free will. No matter what we call ourselves, we were defined before we were born. According to the word, we are more than conquerors in Christ (Rom 8:37).  We are the head and not the tail.  We are above and not beneath (Deut 28:13).  We are salt and light in the earth (Matt 5:13-16). If we begin to speak the Word over our lives, I believe we will begin to line up with what the Word says and see our lives change. 

So, let’s talk more about a few of the identifying traits right now:

We were created in the image of God (Gen 1:27), whether we choose to have a relationship with Him through Jesus or not. God gave us the ability to be inventive and creative. He gave us the ability to reason and think for ourselves. He gave us the ability to learn and love and show kindness. We are created in His image but still dependent upon Him for our very lives. We only exist at His allowance. 

If we’ve been saved by His magnificent Grace, we are the righteousness of God…not because of anything we did or can do in the future but because of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. Because Jesus is righteous, when we accept Him as personal savior, His righteousness becomes ours (2 Cor 5:21). There is nothing we can do to deserve to be righteous or anything we can say that makes us righteous – it is all Jesus’s doing, but we do have to accept the gift He gives. We couldn’t earn it, it is by God’s grace that we are saved through faith (Eph 2:8-9).

Christ followers are Citizens of Heaven (Phil 3:20-21). The bible is clear that we are visitors in this world. We are not here to stay. When we accept Jesus, we get our citizenship in Heaven and that is where we will spend eternity. Because the soul doesn’t die, it will go somewhere. As followers of Jesus, we can rest in confidence that we will go to the place He is preparing for us where we will be with Him (John 14:2-3). 

How does it make you feel to know how God thinks of you? It makes me feel valuable and able to stand in the now knowing that I don’t have to be perfect or different. He wants me to be fully my authentic self…..the person He made me to be – not who I think I ought to be or who pleases me – I’m not on the throne. He is.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Find Your Joy!

I’ve heard people say to find the thing you’d do for free and it will never feel like work. I must say I understand the sentiment since writing is that for me. While I can’t do it fulltime, I do love it. I’ve thought about what I would do if I had all the resources I needed and I could do anything. I would read and write. The thing is that even though I don’t have all the resources and I have to work in the place God has me right now, I still find time to read/edit and write. I stop and start but it’s something that’s never far away from me.

This blog is in part a result of that passion for reading and writing. It’s another way God uses me (Col 3:23-24). Yes, I have a day job, but that doesn’t mean that my passion is lost. I use it in my work, but it fulfills a higher purpose. Each week, I get to touch each of you because I’m walking in this part of me. The part of me that God gave me to touch people with words. Now its not something that just happened, I’ve been writing since I was in college….a long time ago. The skill has been built over the years. I’ve taken writing classes and read books on writing. I’ve done quite a bit of writing over the years. It’s a passion that fulfills me (Psa 128:2).

What’s yours? What has God put on the inside of you that you love? What has God put on the inside of you that you would do for free? Have you ever looked at your life and figured out what brings you the most fulfillment? Have you sought God on how you should use it? What brings you joy? If you had all the resources you need to survive and thrive, what would you do? What are you doing about it? What are you doing to prepare for that thing? What will you regret when you come to the end of your earthly life that you didn’t do? What are you waiting for? What are you willing to sacrifice to fulfill it? 

When we come to the end of our lives, we’ll have to give an account of ourselves to God (Rom 14:12). What will your account include? What have you done with what He put in you? Who have you blessed with it? It’s time to remember that we are all more than one thing. Yes, I’m a daughter, an aunt, a niece, a friend, a minister, a boss, an employee, a writer, and so many other things. In all of those roles, I have a particular purpose. They are different, but I will have to answer for what I did in all of them. Have you considered your responsibilities in all your roles? It’s a balancing act. More of some at different times than others, but never dropping them completely. The main point is to fulfill the purpose you’ve been given (Acts 20:24).

Take a look at your life. Don’t live with regret (Phil 3:13). Find the things that bring you true joy and do them.

Sunday, June 18, 2023


Today, on Father’s Day, it felt important to talk about mine. My dad is a good one. I’ve been blessed my whole life to have a dad who was always there for me, even if he is a glass half-empty kind of guy. Yes, he acknowledges how good God is, but he grew up during the 50s and 60s in the South as a Black man. He carries a lot of that with him everyday and he sees the world through that lens. 

I know he expects the other shoe to drop. It’s unfortunate, but in spite of that, he keeps moving and pushing. Always has. He’s taught me to work hard and treat people the way I want to be treated (Prov 22:6; Matt 7:12). He’s super supportive of me and everything I’ve accomplished in life. He’s a good dad. He loves us and has always worked hard to provide. And even though he’s the best dad I could ever hope for, he’s imperfect. Just like we all are. I realize that I sometimes hold him up on a pedestal and because he’s human he falls. Just like everyone else. I sometimes forget that he is not the standard. God is!

We are all in a fallen state and when we are saved, we in the process of being changed back to the perfect state Adam and Eve were in prior to the fall. God uses everything we go through to bring us back to Him because He was always Father. He always loved us. 

Have you ever thought about how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all existed and thrived before anything was created? They were. God was always The Father, Jesus was always The Son, and the Holy Spirit was The Power to move and be and create. They didn’t become because God created us! He was a Father to the only begotten Son for all eternity. So, He is the example of what fatherhood should look like.  

When I think about my dad, I thank God for him. On a smaller scale than Father God, he’s made sacrifices for me and loved me unconditionally. He’s encouraged me and shared wise counsel. I couldn’t ask for a better dad and I wouldn’t trade him for anything (Mal 4:6).  But I’m so glad I have two fathers (Heb 12:9). I’ve been blessed with a heavenly Father who is always present with me and who chose me and He blessed me with a good earthly father (Matt 10:37). I adore them both. I pray that you are so blessed.

On this Father’s Day, I pray that my life makes them both proud to call me daughter. To all the fathers and father-figures out there, I pray that you have an amazing day and you know how important you are to all those around you.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

God’s Patience with Us!

Have you ever been frustrated by a child or someone you work with or a family member? I know that I have. I’ve stepped away from some because I didn’t feel like they would ever get it. Sometimes, I needed to because they would have influenced me in the wrong direction and sometimes, I just got tired of what I felt was a waste of my time. I don’t know if I did the right thing in all those situations, and I hope someone was there to step into the gap as God purposed. What I do know is that God’s is way more patient than I am. I have seen it throughout my life. 

There have been many times I would have walked away from me, but God. Like Paul, sometimes when I want to do what’s right, I don’t. But God is still patient and He still loves me. He is a keeper and I can’t wear Him out. He stays – He already said He would never leave nor forsake me…..even when I mess up because I am His (Heb 13:5). Yes, there are consequences, but He is there with me. 

What is going on in your life that you believe God won’t forgive you? What is going on in your life that you know God is not pleased with? What is your something that you are so ashamed of and don’t know where to take it? You can take it to God through Jesus. 

God loves you. He already knows who and what you are. He made you. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He is there where you are, but He requires that you acknowledge who He is. He is Lord, whether you accept Him as that or not. But because he loves you and me so much, He sent His Son that we could be saved (John 3:16). He sent His Son so that we could be in right relationship with Him (John 14:6). All we have to do is accept Jesus as Lord and Savior (Rom 10:9-10). 

We have to acknowledge who He is and who we are. We were born sinners, every one of us. We were born in sin and it looks different on all of us. Because of God’s great patience and grace, He affords us the opportunity to be His. We get to choose. What will you choose – eternal life or eternal death? We can choose to receive His amazing gift or throw it back in His face. What will you choose? 

Monday, June 5, 2023

We All Need Friends

A friend is defined as a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. I have been blessed with several. Some I met when I was in school or college. Others joined my community through church or a shared love of entertainment. Some I met at work. They all play different roles in my life and sit at different levels, but all of them hold a special place in my heart. 

This past weekend, four good friends, who I’ve grown to love over the past two decades, and I spent the weekend celebrating a birthday. It was a great weekend. While we haven’t been all together in many, many years, we laughed and talked like no time had passed. It was an amazing weekend of fun and laughter and bonding. 

I understand that I’m blessed and fortunate to have many friends who I can connect with at any number of times and in any number of cities around the US. I know not everyone has that. And within any friendship, it’s important to know who you can trust and how close to get to them (Prov. 18:24). Some people claim to be a friend but would turn on you at the earliest opportunity. Others would give their last. 

What kind of friends do you have? Are they encouraging and supportive? Would they give you whatever they have to help you along the way? Would they put your needs above their own?  What have they shown you? Trust it – not what they say but what they do. People can say anything, but what do they do? Are they selfish and always trying to one up you and others? Are they always taking and never giving? Are they one who shares everything they have? Are they generous with their time and money, even if they have little of it? Once you evaluate your friendships and identify where they line up, you can make better decisions about how you relate to them. 

I hope you can identify some really strong friendships, as we all need someone we can count on to be there. That leads us right to Jesus. He is someone we can always count on. He calls us friend, those of us who accept Him as savior. He gave His life for us (John 15:13). You can’t get more dependable than that. Not matter how good our earthly friends are, they can never exceed His love and care for us. Yes, we need earthly friends, but we need Jesus more. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

God is Faithful!

I must say that moving is not for the faith of heart. But God is Faithful. I think you’re aware, I’ve been in a move for the past few months. God has blessed me with amazing friends, some of whom have traveled to see and help me along the way. He’s also given me confidence and assurance that I heard from Him in making this move. He’s given me peace while not everything has happened in the way I wanted it to happen. He’s provided for me even when I was frustrated about purchases or unpacking or waiting for something to arrive. He’s also closed some doors and opened some windows for my good. 

Case in point, I’ve been waiting for a refrigerator for the past three weeks or so. I made a purchase and waited for the refrigerator to arrive with high anticipation. The delivery driver and helper arrived and the brand-new refrigerator had a foot long dent in the back that looked like a crease. Needless to say, I didn’t take delivery. Within a week, another refrigerator was delivered. This one had a dent across one whole side, again, I didn’t take delivery. The last time took the cake…..the delivery driver couldn’t find my house. I was so frustrated and after so many chances, I finally cancelled the order – the third time was the charm for me. 

What I didn’t realize was that God was already working it out for my good and that He would get the glory (Rom 8:28). He reminded me that He is God and He has what’s best for me. I went online to a local furniture store and ordered a new refrigerator extremely similar to the refrigerator I had purchased originally. Not only were they able to deliver within a few days, but I saved a significant amount off the original refrigerator. That savings will take care of some other needs. 

Had the original refrigerator worked, I never would have recognized God as my source in this situation. I was reminded that God works in all parts of my life. Not just the ones where I specifically ask for Him to intervene. He has a plan for me (Jer 29:10-11). It is for my good. The things that matter to me, matter to Him. But He has a plan and a purpose. He is faithful to take care of His own (Heb 13:5-6). He promised to provide for us and to never leave us (Phil 4:19). Sometimes we forget, but He never does. He’s faithful to do what He said (1 Cor 1:9).

Monday, May 22, 2023

Friends Love!

Friendship is an immeasurable gift that we give to each other. When it’s done right, it’s a true depiction of what love should look like. Real friends love….and they love hard (Prov 17:17). They put each other’s needs ahead of their own. If they know Jesus, they pray for each other and provide for each other. They are there when everyone else has gone home making sure the other is okay. They sacrifice for each other. (Prov 18:24)

Recently, I had two friends on different occasions come to visit me in my new city. Both of them, even though they were traveling spent time with me preparing my new home so I would be closer to fully living in the house. They didn’t have to do that. They could have come to visit and just hung out in the city. However, they put my needs ahead of their desire to sightsee or spend time being entertained. That is what real friendship looks like. It looks like identifying a need for someone close and working to meet it. 

I’ve been blessed with amazing friends and I don’t mean acquaintances. Friends are not just the ones I laugh and joke with. They are not just the ones I share a meal with. They are the ones who know the deeper parts of me and they show up. The thing about friendship is that it’s a two-way street. You can’t expect someone else to do all the giving and you never provide anything to the relationship. That is called taking advantage of someone’s generosity.

So, if you find yourself short on people who will go the extra mile for you and are true friends, consider whether you are being a true friend or not. And the flip side of that is if you have people who manipulate and use you, you should reevaluate those relationships and make sure they are ones you should hold on to. Life (in the earth) is too short to be distracted.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Don't Waste Time

This weekend I spent time with my parents and with other family members. Since I live several hundred miles away from them, I don't get to do that often. It was a wonderful time to love and laughter - one I'm so glad I didn't miss. We often take for granted that we will have time later for important things, so we work like crazy to obtain stuff. And how much of that stuff do we really need? 

Must we have a high-end car when a more modest one will get us from point A to point B? Do we have to purchase the most expensive shoes because everyone else is doing it? Who are we trying to impress? Do they really care? What does any of that say about who we are? Our character? Does seeing someone with a lot of stuff make them a better person or more important? It doesn't. It just means they have more stuff. Don't get me wrong. It is right that we work and that we do our best (Ecc 9:10). There is nothing wrong with having some comforts in life. They should just have their place. They should not prevent us from being in a position to help and love others. 

And what are we missing out on while we're obtaining all the stuff? Family time and vacations? Birthdays? Holidays? Just plain fun? And that's okay, until tragedy strikes and it will strike all of us. Recently, I had six friends lose loved ones, several of them were unexpected. I can only imagine how they all wish for more time with those they loved. I am determined to live in the here and now and consider that my life is like a vapor - here now and possibly gone tomorrow (Jam 4:14-16). There are no guarantees when it comes to time (Psa 39:4-5). Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 

I've often said I don't live to work, but I work to live. My work is not who I am, it is one of the things I do. Life on earth is exceptionally short (out of all eternity, we get up to 80-90 years at best). I want to live every part of my life. I don't want to leave any part of it wasted. I want to travel while I'm young and well enough to enjoy it and learn from the people and cultures I contact. I want to try new things and develop new skills along the way. I want to give God my best and that goes way beyond my comfort (Eph 5:15-17). 

I don't know your story or what your plans are for the future, but I recommend you not put off the important things. You don't know how much time you have and you don't know how much time those around you have. Don't squander it. You will only regret it. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

We Need Each Other

I think I mentioned that I was moving several weeks ago. So, I’ve done it. I finally have a residence in my new city and we’re in the home stretch. Waiting on my household goods to be delivered so I can settle in and just be. It feels like a long time coming and while I’ve been planning and pulling things together, I didn’t realize how much I needed another person with me to give me the encouragement to get some additional things done. 

A good friend of mine came to visit this weekend and she encouraged me to complete some projects that would have to be done, but I would have been doing them by myself later. That would have been so much more difficult. And I realized one more way the bible relates to the things going on in our lives. 

God said it’s not good that man should be alone and made him a partner (Gen 2:18-24). Now, I’m not trying to marry or say it’s the same, but the principle is true. It is not good for man or woman to be alone. We are made to be part of a community, part of the body of Christ. We need each other (Gal 6:2). My friends have skills that I don’t and they complement the skills God gave me. We were never meant to walk this journey alone or to live out this life by ourselves. 

Yes, people are messy and they will bring you pain, but each of us does the same thing.  We are messy and bring others pain.  As we mature in Christ, we see past the pain to our progress and the help the other person may need. That’s what relationship is all about. Loving others as we love ourselves (Matt 22:34-40). Can you imagine how painful it must be to the Father when we reject Him? Or how painful it is to Jesus when we thumb our nose as His gift of eternal life after all He sacrificed to give it to us? Yet, God loves us and He is faithful to forgive us when we confess our sins to Him even though we cheat on Him doing things we know are inappropriate and wrong. 

So, if God can forgive our rejection, can we not put hurt feelings aside and forgive others? Can’t we look past ourselves and see others? (Phil 2:3-4) Are we in self-denial that we can’t see we’re not perfect either? We need each other. We need others to hold us accountable. We need others to celebrate with us. We need others to share in our sorrow. We need others to encourage us when we’re down (1 Thes 5:11). We just need each other. Don’t miss out on the full life you can have by trying to hide from frustrations and pain or to prevent others from knowing the real us. Those things make you grow. Live life to its fullest and surround yourself with people who enhance your life. It’s worth it.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Rest and Restoration

It’s been a while since we talked about self-care and rest, so I thought it appropriate to remind all of us to take care of ourselves. It might sound selfish in our world, but it may be the most selfless thing we can do. I don’t know about you, but I run until I hit the wall many times. Life happens and things get out of control (or my control) and I go and go and go. I work hard and sometimes forget to rest. I know I need to rest, but I put it off. Until I crash….and along the way, I miss lunch and eat junk. I do all the bad stuff, because I don’t take time to rest and rest in Him (Prov 19:23). 

So, how do we take time away from all the things going on around us? How do we take a break when we have work, school, sports, homework, travel, etc.? We just do. God gave us the gift of the sabbath. He set aside the 7th day to rest in Him and be restored so we are able and prepared to meet the coming week (Gen 2:2-3; Exo 23:12). The Sabbath was made for man. God knows His creation and He knows that we need rest and restoration to be at our best for Him, so He gives us a day to reflect and spend focuses on Him to be restored. 

I have to repent because I don’t always rest in Him. I push through, because I admit I’m a bit of a workaholic. I like accomplishing something. I like seeing results. But that is selfish. It is for me, when I should be listening and moving with God and making sure I’m at my best for Him. If you’re like me, if you’re not accomplishing something, you sometimes think it’s wasted time. But it is not. God created us in a way that we need time with Him and we need time of just plain rest (Jer 31:25). It is at rest that our bodies repair themselves because that’s the way God created them. I know that mentally, but don’t always act like it. Like Paul, the things I know are right to do, I don’t. That is sin. To know what is right and not to do it, is sin to me (Jam 4:17).

"LORD, forgive me for not following your leading and direction in this area of my life. Forgive me for not always doing what I know is right to do. Please keep me close to you and remind me when I step out of line. Give me the power to take time out and rest in you. Remind me why it’s important and help me to be all that you have for me to be. I love you and want to please you. Please continue to make me more and more like Jesus. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!"

I hope and pray that you are doing what you know is right and getting proper rest. It’s so important to our health – physical, mental and spiritual. Join me in setting the allotted time aside and resting in Him. I know we won’t be disappointed.